Lotus Arts develops products in purity and beauty that strengthen the life force and who you truly are in the four elements, Earth, Water, Fire and Air.

At Lotus Arts Foundation we work from a holistic view of life.



Life-giving drinking water – Body oils and essences with the inner wisdom of plants
Harmonization of radiation and environment – Books and prints – Naturopathy training


Lotus Arts Naturopathy Teachings

Students are now being admitted to the new naturopathy programme.

Contact Lotus Arts for further information, curriculum and an appointment for an admission interview.

Inner Wisdom of the Plants in the Spiral of Life

 This newly translated book is composed of the inner wisdom of the 120 plant species contained in the Spiral of Life’s eternity calendar.

It is filled with words of wisdom that the inner wisdom of the plants have revealed to Casandra, who has painted pictures and created Lotus Arts essences of the inner wisdom of each of the 120 selected plant species.

The book has suggestions for several ways to study the inner wisdom of plants. And it is recommended to study it together with the Spiral of Life eternity calendar and the Soul of the Tree where the gnome and his nature spirit friends are beautifully portrayed in their work to help the trees, shrubs and plants, also in the protected Life Art Park, which is detailed in the last half of the book, Soul of the Tree.

The Annual Rhythm Series – Volume 1 of 3

250 pages, illustrated. Price 35 €.

  ISBN 9788794254045

Lotus Arts Water Vitalizer

Transforms dull, lifeless tap water into perfectly clean, structured, refreshing and tasty drinking water that brings life and well-being.

Based on the form and energy of Lotus Arts Vita Glass and the purifying and life-building powers of the four elements in water, to enhance body functions, hydration and energy levels.


Transformer of High Fidelity

An aid to detoxifying people and the environment from stressful conditions,
harmful chemicals, heavy metals, radiation and anything that goes against life.


I have seen many different examples of water improvement, but never really been impressed with the results until I tried Lotus Arts Water Vitalizer.
It is definitely the best and most energy-saturated water   I have ever made measurements on and now I drink it with pleasure and great satisfaction every day.
Kurt Bertelsen

Civil engineer

The different Lotus Arts oils I have tried are really something special, with so much life force and exquisite individual qualities.
They go a long way and can be nicely combined with some Lotus Arts Body Oil, which is a fantastic oil blend, not least for relieving tension and pain, and for massage.

Body therapist

.Easy and simple to use, the water vitalizer makes the water very vibrant and beneficial for energy and balance. It gives like more fullness and taste to drinks and food.
It has given new life to our plants. And then it is quite effective in removing limescale deposits in the kettle.
Ken Newman

I have experienced very good pain relief from the Atma Cream, both from bee stings and especially one day when I had a minor burn and luckily had the cream at hand.
It was incredibly quick and effective in relieving the pain and helping to ensure good healing of the wound.
Torben Hansen

How fresh and alive and happy the water is. I am incredibly happy and grateful for it!
I have no words for how much I love that pitcher and that beautiful egg!
The water is so crystal clear, wonderful, loving and good.
Nina Martins


Cream and Body Care Oils with the
Inner Power and
Wisdom of the Plants

Lotus Arts’ exquisite cold-pressed and unrefined organic oils have undergone our very own unique purification and refinement process, enabling them to contain the inner wisdom and highest qualities of the oil plants.

This gives a very deep effect, purity, and vitality to these exceptional oils.

Harmonisation of Radiation and Environment

Over the past 25 years, Lotus Arts has developed a range of unique products to harmonize and bring peace into electromagnetic fields in order to minimize the harmful effects on health.

Revita Glass Jar for Vitalization of Food

The Revita glass jar is designed by Lotus Arts and made of hand-blown glass in the dynamic life-building shape of the egg, with the special harmonising and vitalising power of the glass itself that characterises all Lotus Arts glass products.

The Revita jar is embossed with a large phi symbol in pure gold to provide a balancing and vitalizing effect on the most basic matrix of living substances in the form of the food put into the jar.

This beautiful and attractive glass jar is specially designed to store and bring new vitality into foods of many kinds.
The combination of the balancing and vitalising energy of the jar, the egg shape itself and the special gold symbol of the golden ratio serve to bring life energy into the food items in the jar, and especially make a big difference to anything that has been over-processed.

The Revita jar can be used for all kinds of dried fruits and nuts and mixtures of these, for snacks, for groats, coconut flour and muesli, for beans, lentils and seeds of many kinds. Can also be used for storing and serving olives, for example. The jar is also suitable and decorative for growing sprouts.

These functional and decorative jars are made to be part of the kitchen, cafe, restaurant and canteen decor, where they look great, are practical to use and can always be at hand.

And together with the colours and textures of the contents, which can be varied and accentuated by exciting and decorative combinations, they radiate harmony and the diverse, nourishing life of nature.

Intro price 55 €

Call 45 – 86893633 or write bluelotusarts@gmail for orders, event registration or further information.

Purchase of Products

For ordering products and further information, call 45 – 86893633 or write bluelotusarts@gmail

Products can be seen and bought at Himmelbjergvej 24 in Laven between Silkeborg and Ry by appointment.

Payment by cash or bank transfer.



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Der er efterhånden mange som er medlem af Lotus Arts foreningen og det er vi meget taknemlige for.

Der kan bidrages med månedlige faste beløb, et årligt kontingent på 200 kr, eller engangsbeløb indsat på kontonummer 8117 4324301.

Contact to Lotus Arts and purchase of products

Send us an email and enter your email address for any questions, pricing information, product purchases and registration for courses and events.

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Lotus Arts Kunstfond

Himmelbjergvej 24, Laven, 8600 Silkeborg

T: 86893633  E-mail: bluelotusarts@gmail.com