Lotus Arts Naturopathy
Lotus Arts Naturopathy
Lotus Arts naturopathy is based on life development that follows the rhythms of the year in nature. The annual rhythm of nature as lived and unfolded in the four elements with the nature spirits and their work for the earth, water, fire and air, as well as the health, well-being and growth of plants.
The rhythm of the year as described in the Spiral of Life perpetual calendar, where the inner wisdom of the plants is received and is present every day throughout the year. Read about these books Here
Lotus Arts Naturopathy is a great support for seeking inward in love for the I AM and is based on the four elements, earth, water, fire and air, the plants and their inner wisdom, living water, vegetable oils, body care, the endocrine glands and the workings of the 12 senses.
Lotus Arts Essences
The wisdom essences of plants are created to empower, assist and enrich people and nature through the inner wisdom of plants and their highly developed qualities and uplifting presence, enabling us to connect more deeply with ourselves and the wonderful nature of which we are a part.
The essences carry the inner wisdom and presence of the plants in completely pure spring water without alcohol or other additives, optimally protected in specially developed violet glass.
When worn on the body, preferably close to the heart, the inner wisdom presence of the plants is brought into our etheric field for the strengthening of life force, love and wholeness for the enhancement and unfolding of our inherent qualities.
Includes an album of Casandra’s paintings and accompanying texts for each set of essences.
Set of 20 essences – 336 €
Lotus Arts T: 86893633
E-mail: bluelotusarts@gmail.com
Himmelbjergvej 24, Laven, 8600 Silkeborg
CVR nr: 35201246