Strengthen Life – with Lotus Arts Devices
for Harmonisation of Radiation and Environment
Radiation Exposure in Our Time
Today, all human beings, especially children and the unborn, who are the most vulnerable, are exposed to enormous levels of radiation that the body is not created to withstand.
Just 20 years ago we could live in a world where we could hold our etheric field in a blazing life force and a beautiful connection to life forces from the cosmos, which could be taken in when we affirmed the life force in our actions and life radiance. This despite the fact that there were many sources of harmful radiation pollution even then.
It was only when wireless technology and mobile phones really took off, along with a multitude of mobile phone masts, that radiation became so powerful that the natural life force and connection to the cosmos and the earth was seriously weakened. This has made the organism extra susceptible to disease and other forms of pollution, not least from heavy metals and chemical pollutants.
From Illness and Suffering to Health and Life
This has serious consequences for health, well-being and quality of life, and the enormous radiation is harmful to everyone, whether it is percieved and the association between more or less obvious symptoms and radiation impact is recognized or not.
Although there has also developed a great deal of dependency on microwave radiation and wireless communication, this entire global experiment must be stopped and replaced by harmless alternatives if man and nature should have a chance to find back to vitality and health.
To help in this transition Lotus Arts has developed unique products to harmonize and bring peace into electromagnetic fields, to minimize their harmful effects, assist in detoxification and the rehabilitation from radiation dependency, and to strengthen and restore the flaming life force that is the basis of all life processes, for life, health and well-being.
Watch “Nature by Numbers” an amazing animation about the Golden Proportion
Phi – the Golden Ratio
Phi, the Golden Ratio or proportion of 1: 1,618 is an image of the relationship and balance of the duality in all creation in the electric universe, and as such, Phi can be observed everywhere in nature’s countless forms and expressions.
Therefore, it forms an important element in the design of Lotus Arts products, as Phi enhances their harmonizing and life-building energies and effects.

Lotus Arts Vitaglas and its Qualities
Lotus Arts has many glass-based products and since glass is a “neutral” quartz based, non-crystalline material, it is possible for it to hold and radiate life-building information and qualities.
This is reflected in Lotus Arts Vitaglass products through the universal infinite, flaming light and love which like a rudder holds the balance in all aspects of the basic duality of creation, which unfolds in all life in the earth, the water, the fire and the air.
This special feature gives the glass strong harmonizing effects and serves to restore and enhance vitality, balance and optimal expressions of life everywhere.
Eternity Drop
The Eternity Drop is a powerful energy pendant in vitaglass, designed to strengthen and protect the life forces of the heart and etheric field, and provide the life-building impulses that are continually needed.
The Eternity Drop is a unique aid for protection against and harmonisation of harmful radiation, and thus also for strengthening centering, concentration and memory.
The Eternity Drops are available in different flame colours and they all strengthen the inner and the physical presence.
The Eternity Drop has a guarantee of 3 years of full effectiveness after the time of purchase.
The Lotus Arts design is based on the Golden Ratio. It comes with a silver clasp and with a silk cord that matches the colour of the Eternity Drop.
The Eternity Drop is available in the colours clear colourless, violet, yellow, golden, pink, deep red, light green, deep green, light blue and deep blue.
76 €

Suns of Vitaglass
Suns of Vitaglass in pure flame colours can be used for decoration, harmonisation and lifting of the vibration in different spaces and contexts.
As they are deeply healing, harmonising and give new life force and release and transformation of tensions and imbalances they are also good to hold in the hand, put on the body for relaxation, and to close gaps in the aura.
They are very suitable for massage as they help to transform the tensions released, allowing for deeper impact and simultaneously relieving the masseur.
Good under the pillow for children.
Ø 35 mm. 32 € – Ø 50 mm. 50 €
Qualities of the Colours
Lotus Arts’ clear, clean glass with the high energy turnes Eternity Drops and Suns of Glass into precious stones where the different colors can have the following qualities.
Clear white: An incredible purity, protects against unclean color tones. A pure presence on Earth protects against the influence of others.
Light-violet: Cleans and recreates the connection to the true I AM.
Deep violet: Transforms and gives freedom to earthly life.
Yellow: Wakefulness, illumination, joy, delight and presence.
Golden: Transforms and digests many impressions, information and experiences in the physical.
Pink: God’s love, love of life and I AM in the heart. The opener for a new life.
Dark red: Love for oneself and others, and for all life everywhere. Forgiveness, mercy and grace.
Light green: Hope and faithfulness in God and I AM. Perseverance and faith in the future.
Dark green: Truth, authenticity, honesty, self-discovery and healing.
Light blue: Increases awareness, strengthens learning and gives strength to set new goals for this life.
Dark blue: Strength to stand firm, grounding, and strength to follow the inner task of the blueprint in the lifestream.

Wands of Vitaglass
Lotus Arts’ massive glass crystal wands, emblazoned with a harmonizing Golden Ratio symbol in 24 karat gold, are for balancing polarities, transforming harmful radiation, purifying the atmosphere, and for promoting peace, clarity, openness, stability and raising awareness whereever they are placed.
The small 10 cm high wand on the left is for cleansing the etheric field around the body and is especially good for clearing microwave radiation and its damaging effects from the brain by gently moving the wand outward from the head in spiral movements. Also good for simply holding it in the hand.
It works in rooms of up to 30 m2.
104 €
The large 20 cm long crystal wand has a field of action that corresponds to a whole house.
240 €
Large custom made wands with an engraved and gold plated spiral are available on order and by personal delivery only.
1297 €

Ray Filters for Radiation Harmonization
The blue Electromagnetic Ray Filter with golden spirals can be attached with tape over the fuse relay and behind computer, monitor, TV, router and electrical appliances in order to harmonize EMF and establish a clear and calm atmosphere in the home, office and workplace.
For strengthening well-being, concentration and energy levels, and minimizing radiation problems such as fatigue, burning eyes, headache and irritation.
The same goes for the Mobile Phone filter, which also help to reduce heat impact and support those who want to stop using the mobile. For attaching on the back of the phone or under the battery. This particular filter has a durability of maximum of 6 months by daily use.
The green Earth Ray Filter is placed directly on the floor for neutralization and harmonization of geomagnetic radiation in a 7 meter radius. Here it takes a few days before its effect has been fully achieved and reached full strength. Can also be used for neutralizing static electricity and, for example, placed between clothes and blankets, as well as in the car.
A4 size Ray Filters, 52 € – A5 size 37 €

The violet A5 size Human Ray Filter is suitable for stress, fatigue and imbalances, as a way to get more space and energy, as well as to relieve mild pain and discomfort. Can be held toward the chest or moved closely around the body in slow movements
It can also be placed under the mousepad to harmonize radiation and minimize discomforts. It can be good to place the Human Ray Filter under the child’s pillow for balancing man-made radiation problems.